Thursday, February 7, 2013

Many Words, One God. By : C.C.


      As I continue to dive further into the readings of Scripture, our beloved Saints, and many other great spiritual writers of our Church there is one thing that continues to strike me. Even through modern eyes these traditional works are relevant today. Certain details remain subject to time and context, but what is written remains significant and valid in the Spiritual life.
     From the works of Saint Paul to Thomas a Kempis, from Saint Augustine to Saint Therese of Liseux and Thomas Merton, there is an underlying and unchanging truth. This truth is of our unchanging God, and the Holy Spirit which has manifested within each of these individuals to create the works that we read today. It is through these written testimonies and "Sacred Sharings" that our understanding of faith and Christian life is aided. These works do not serve the purpose of furthering us away from the Truth or in any way attempt to sway us from the definitive word of God in Jesus Christ "God has revealed himself fully by sending his own Son, in whom he has established his covenant for ever. The Son is his Father's definitive Word; so there will be no further Revelation after him." ( Catechism of The Catholic Church) 
   It is through these works that we can be brought into a closer union and relationship with our Lord. Through the writings and experiences of many devout we come to feel a sense of community and company along our Christian path. The similarities between much of what we read is comforting as it confirms the truth of our faith. We can find rest in the ever present unchanging Father who has always kept His promises and surrounded His children with love.
   It is not for the glory of the author that we are drawn to read these sacred writings, but rather, it is the awareness of the Holy Spirit present within the written words of our Lord's servants that we find most intriguing. It is by God, the Holy Spirit, and the gift of faith that we are able to properly engage in our reading.
   As I surrender my writings to His will, and yet, so unworthily share various reflections with you, I am pleased with the fact that I can not say anything new.  I can not provide anything about Scripture that has not been shared many times by those far more capable than me. I can not write about the Spiritual Journey and our need for self surrender better than those I read, or any better than those who find themselves reading this. However, I can praise and honor The Lord recognizing that the Holy Spirit which moved Saint Paul to write is the same Spirit that moved Thomas Merton. It is this same Spirit that led Saint Francis of Assisi to give up everything as to serve The Lord and gain Eternal life.  It is by the witness, sharings, and writings of those proclaiming the truth of our Lord that we can come to partial knowledge of the One True God who spoke through the prophets and continues to inspire us today.(C.C.)

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