Friday, July 27, 2012

Keeping Our Eyes On The Kingdom. By: C.C.

"Effort is required to remain sensitive to the presence of this kingdom of God that is invisibly active in our world. We must resist those activities and interests by means of which our society and its many adherents so insistently impose their short-term values on us. In our own country where secular government is now invasive, freedom of conscience is under attack. It is important to make provision for living a more interior way that remains aware of the hidden presence of the God for whom we are made. Such interior effort is a condition for preserving the values essential for a spiritual life whose goals are transcendent to the changing satisfactions of this world of time. Resisting the current impositions of a materialistic government requires persons committed to those acts of faith that Jesus and Isaiah before him had demanded of the people of their time. Only those who take to heart in faith the teaching and example of our Lord and Savior can hope to prepare for life in that Kingdom where all are one in the praises of the God who created us and who shares His life with us as we enter into communion with His beloved Son, our Redeemer, the Risen Lord Jesus." (Abbot John Eudes Bamberger)

     I consider it a great blessing to have met the author of this beautifully written reflection. Fr. John Eudes Bamberger at the Abbey in Genesee has truly been one whom I have come to learn a lot about my faith from--and faith in general. It is in witnessing the way that he has chosen to live out his faith that also strengthens me along my journey. I can only imagine how many others share this same sentiment.
    His words that I have chosen to reflect upon capture such an important truth about the way that we are called as believers to constantly be aware of God amidst our present reality. It is easy to lose sight of Him as we encounter the difficulties of our present day. And yet, rather than focusing on these difficulties, Fr. John reminds us of the perseverance we must maintain in our efforts to remain sensitive to the presence of God's kingdom. We are each called to return again and again to the place where we meet our Lord. We are called to a spiritual life that can aid us in dealing with our present reality..and prepare us for the Kingdom of Heaven for which we are created.
    It is through our constant effort of returning to Him where we will find the strength, courage, hope and joy to persevere through times posing great threat to our freedom of faith. It is in living amidst this world with deep regard for the Eternal Kingdom that we can share the beauty of our Lord and faith with one another. With simplicity of heart, faith, and yearning to experience God's presence daily we can each attribute to creating a better reality for ourselves and those around us." Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Amen. (C.C.)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Celeste:
    I too have met Fr. John Eudes Bamberger and I agree with you in all you say. He is a wonderfully gifted and mature man in God.
    You write wonderfully here about the need to turn repeatedly to God amidst the day-to-day trials, distractions, and annoyances of life. It is becoming more and more important as the threats to our freedom of conscience become more real. God bless America, because this country has always been the strongest proponent of religious and political freedom, and when we see her freedoms being eroded by liberalism and secular humanism, we know things may get very difficult for Christians and people of goodwill.
