Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Pathway to Perfection. By: C.C.

“The way of perfection passes by way of the cross. There is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle. Spiritual progress entails the ascesis and mortification that gradually lead to living in the peace and joy of the Beatitudes.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2015)

     We are imperfect. This point is the essential humble beginning required to lead a life striving for holiness. There is much danger in assuming that through having faith alone we are perfected, and that we are somehow excused from the way of the Cross. 
   The humble awareness that we are imperfect leads us into the ongoing battleground of purification. A battleground that we are equipped for by our loving Lord who desires our holiness. This first requires our acceptance and openness, it requires persistent commitment and perseverance to gradually shed the things that keep us from living in the peace and joy of the Beatitudes.
   Though painful at times, the path toward holiness is one of love. As we are faced with imperfections within ourselves and the weaknesses that may keep the divide between us and God great, we must rejoice in them. We must find in these moments a means to praise our Lord for loving us so much as to make us more like Him; to aid us in cleaning out the shadows within that burden us and further wound us. In these times we must keep our eyes on the Lord and remain faithful to Him. Desiring to be holy, and desiring to grow in faith is pleasing to God, and therefore it is through Him where the strength and courage to persevere is provided.  
   The spiritual journey is not about shame or focusing on our wounds by dwelling upon them. It is about freedom. It is about offering up these wounds to our Lord and allowing His love to penetrate our heart so deeply that we are left with the continual desire to give everything without reservation. 
"The way of perfection passes by way of the Cross", a Cross that we do not carry alone. Let us persevere with joy and hope, remaining faithful to serving the Lord in all things. May we find great strength and inspiration from the lives of our Beloved Saints. Courage, you are loved beyond measure! (C.C.)

St. Michael - Pray for us

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