This quote from St. Augustine is one that has always grasped my attention. It is also one that came to mind while on retreat in Genesee NY. The idea of truly getting in touch with our inner most self is one that leaves many people uncomfortable. It is arguably this same fear of self- discovery that keeps many away from God, Church, and their faith altogether. Somehow we have established a fear of truly getting in touch with ourselves. We are scared of the silence, the past hurt, and ultimately the unknown that we may encounter. There is something which holds us back from venturing into the depths of our soul. In my opinion, this seems to be something very tragic and disheartening, and yet at the same time very natural. I too have battled with this very fear in the past. However, growing in my faith and walk with Jesus has truly allowed me to venture into depths of myself and discover things that I did not know existed. It often takes the hurt to heal, and exploration of self to find self. In this it is important to remember that we can not truly know ourselves until we seek Him who knows us best. We must surrender our fear to the Lord and find comfort in knowing that He longs for us to find joy, and that we are created by Him who wants us to become who were called to be. St. Catherine of Siena once said ``Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire``. I would like to suggest that in failing to become who we were meant to be and by repressing our truest self results in unimaginable misery. Perhaps this misery is not often felt all at once....but over time I can imagine it becoming something that causes a lot of unrest....Leaving us tirelessly seeking ``something``, when that which we seek is within us. One comes to recognize that the inner self is the most beautiful paradise. There is so much within to wonder at. Inside each of us there are the heights mountains, huge waves of the sea, and winding rivers. Today more than ever it is easy to hide behind the masks we put on to the world. The advancements in social media and technology allow us to create an identity that we want to believe ourselves. The bombardment of ridiculous status updates, photographs, and ``friend`` tallies has become our modern concept of someone`s identity. Potentially, some are comfortable living on this surface, having a false portrayal of identity controlled and calculated. The beauty of each of us rests upon our unique differences and not our manufactured sense of identity. It is time to truly get in touch with ourselves, to dive within and know our soul. We are so connected today in numerous ways and yet there is an abundance of disconnect. So advanced technologically, by means of communication, and through transportation..yet, somehow as St. Augustine says ``We pass by ourselves without wondering``. Lord tonight I pray that each of us can work beyond our fears and truly venture within ourselves to discover the beauty that is there. Help and guide us to recognize the things within that prevent this clarity. May we come to embrace the importance of reconciliation and see this Sacrament as a means of attaining purity of heart, mind, and soul. Lord forgive us for denying the people who You have called us to be. Help us work through the fears we have, the hurt that has occurred, and everything else that prevents us from being who we were meant to be. Holy Mother I ask that you continue to surround us with the warmth of Your motherly love and protection. Lord, may we someday find comfort and rest in knowing who we are through You. Amen. (C.C.)