Saturday, December 24, 2011

Let Us Remember The Manger. By: C.C.

"When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their tresure chest, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." (Matthew 2:10-11)
Tonight we will gather at Mass and honor the birth of Jesus. I anticipate the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve with great joy. I look forward to finally placing my little baby Jesus figurine inside of the manger. There is no doubt a great joy surrounding the season when we set our sights on eternal things. When we truly keep our eyes on Christ and seek to get beyond the disruptions, anxieties, and tribulations that are also present amidst this Christmas joy around us. It is a time to focus on the blessings and the goodness. Today is also a time for reflecting upon the Advent journey. I spent sometime in prayer and reflection today looking back upon on how I used this time of preparation. As we continue to prepare ourselves for the Christmas celebrations, Let us not forget to continue to prepare our hearts for Christ. Let us approach him at the altar tonight as the wise men did long ago in the manger. Though we do not bring Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh..let us bring him our open hearts, our devotion, and our love. As we give gifts outwardly to those in our lives may we recognize the importance of the interior giving to Christ. Let us refrain from giving into our flesh and free ourselves from expectations. May we find joy in the spirit of giving, and approach the altar with a spirit of homage. Lord today I pray that every person be surrounded by your love, warmth, and joy during these days of celebration. May there be healing among families, comfort for the suffering, and food for the poor. Lord provide us with charitable hearts so that we can continue to share Your Joy throughout this season.Be present at every table, in every home, and everywhere that Your children are. Lord I recognize that everyone is celebrating Christmas differently, and that some may find it difficult to focus on the joy of the season when surrounded by hardship. Lord comfort those who gather around a sick relative tonight opposed to a dinner table. Provide them and those who are suffering in mind, body, and spirit with the strength, courage, soothing comfort, and peace. Lord comfort those who remember relatives and loved ones who are now home with You. Provide the lonely with your love and lead us to do Your will so that we can provide company when needed. Thank You Lord for my blessings, for the gift of friends, family, health, and food to eat. Let us remember the Manger tonight and feel You again born into our hearts. Amen. (C.C)
"Stay very close to the crib of this most beautiful child....Have great love for this heavenly child, respectful in the familiarity you will gain with him through prayer, and totally delighted in the joy of feeling the holy aspirations and effects of belonging totally to him." (Padre Pio)

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